We’re pregnant!

Temperature above the coverline for 17 days, and things are looking suspicious. However, my ovulation pattern has always been a bit unpredictable, so that doesn’t necessarily mean anything. However, a positive home pregnancy test and a follow-up confirmation test with my doctor (at an appointment I initially scheduled to discuss next steps on our potential fertility issues), have confirmed what we have been waiting for: we’re pregnant!

The downside of tracking my temperature and home pregnancy tests is that I strongly suspected I was pregnant before I even was sure I missed my period. Why is this problematic? Well, the risk of miscarriage is still pretty high in week 5 of pregnancy[1]. Estimates vary because gathering the data is a bit tricky, but a common number is that at this point 10% — 1 in 10 —pregnancies will still end in miscarriage.

That said, we are excited, and cautiously optimistic.

[1] For those doing some confused math, yes, I can divide by 17. Pregnancy is counted from the time of your last menstrual cycle — or if you’re like me and have extremely irregular cycles but do track other fertility signs, pregnancy is counted from two weeks before ovulation.