
A small part of getting the site ready for construction was dealing with any trees that might get in the way of the building. There were only two trees to consider, a pair of tall pine trees near the top of the lot that we were hoping to keep. They would be right near the entrance, and looked quite nice together. Yuval had a botanist come to check them out before making a decision on whether to keep them or not. The results were that one tree was healthy, but the other was only in OK condition. However, the healthy one was about half-way into our planned entry!

These two trees supported each other via their root systems, so either both had to stay or both had to go. We decided it would be safest and easiest to remove both of them now. A couple weeks ago, they were carefully taken down. Yuval snapped a few pictures during the process, and allowed us to share them.

Tree demolition Taken by Yuval Sofer
Tree demolition Taken by Yuval Sofer
Tree demolition Taken by Yuval Sofer

Some of the wood from various trees on site is being saved and cured. We hope to be able to use some of it later for pieces of furniture.