
Welcome! Pregnancy is discussed in many blogs, forums, articles, books, and just about every other media type. So what makes this blog different? Mostly that it’s mine =)

I wanted a place where I could talk about pregnancy as a emotional, physiological, and social issue. I am not going to be hesitant about expressing my opinions.  So if you expect “this week, baby is the size of an orange!”, you’ll get some of that, but you’ll also get discussions of pregnancy and privilege.

The name of the blog is loosely based on neko koneko from the anime Azumanga Daioh and the it’s-too-late-to-think game my friends and I call “I have a thing”. 

One last note, the early posts in this blog are all backdated to approximately when I wrote them. For obvious reasons, I didn’t want to start publishing the blog before we announced the pregnancy.