Excavation & Foundation

Last week excavation was finished and the foundation was started.

Yuval took a great composite picture of the completed excavation:
Copyright Yuval Sofer

Then surveyors were brought back for a very precise placement of the foundation. The precision is to within a small fraction of an inch; apparently the city can hassle you if the foundation is off by even one inch.

Then the forms for the footings were started. All these forms will be put in, then precisely aligned, and then the footings will be poured. Much of that will take place over the next week.

I captured a few pictures of the lower parts of the form.

And the timelapse:

The position isn’t so great for capturing the foundation work, so there’s not a lot to see later in the week. However, since the dirt-moving is finished for now, Yuval will move the camera to a better position. It will be at the top or bottom of the site, so it can get a nice view of the foundation as it goes in.