Be well

Maybe some folks here will find something useful in this (slightly edited) message I sent to my team.

We’re one month into the new year. We had a break. And for many of us–me included–things still feel blah.

Maybe we’re used to coming back to work more refreshed after the break. Maybe, despite our acknowledgment that a digit change isn’t magic, we didn’t expect things to keep being so hard after the new year.

And even with the vaccines rolling out–or perhaps, especially with the vaccines rolling out–we can see that the road back to a world where we can get together is not going to be short. We miss seeing our coworkers. Even more, we miss our friends and our families.

This is hard. A near year of chronic background stress is a challenge for all of us, more so for some of us depending on our personal circumstances.

So, I want to let you know that I’m thinking of all of you. Please continue to take care of yourselves. And if you ever want to talk about anything, work related or not, please let me know. I am here for you.

Be well.