Dear Mom

Dear Mom,

This day is hard every year, but this year there’s an new element to my sadness. Jeff and I having a baby, and you won’t be there to meet it.

I wonder about all of the little experiences and conversations I’m missing because you’re not around. What were your pregnancies like? How did you feel when I first fluttered about inside of you? What was it like to see me for the first time? All of these experiences of becoming and then being a mother that every mother experiences, but which would have a special poignancy when coming from you to me.

I think about how much you would have loved baby, about how excited you would have been. Baby will get lots of love, but it will never get to know you, and you’ll never get to know it. We’ll make sure baby knows about you, but that can never be the same as knowing a living, loving human being.

I miss you, and I love you.
