
With our decision to switch to the Bellevue project, ‘Taltree 4’ no longer works as a name. As we pondered new names for the blog, we decided to come up with a name for our house, which we could then use for the blog.

The theme of our house is connection: we want to facilitate connection between our family and guests and the outdoors, between our family and the community, between our family and guests, between guests with each other, and between the family remembers living in the house. The idea is to design it in such a way that these relationships happen naturally, and are encouraged by the layout of the house.

We wanted a name to reflect this theme. A name should have a meaning, but it should also be a distinct identifier. Calling our home ‘House of Connections’ sounds a bit strange; it is more a description than a name. We decided to use another language, since we can use a word that has an appropriate meaning; but will not be immediately understood or interpreted by most people. We both have connections to Japanese, and will probably have some Japanese influences in our house, so it seems appropriate to look there. We found the word ‘setsuzoku’, meaning ‘link, connection, union’. We appended ‘ya’ to that, which means ‘house, shop’ to get ‘Setsuzokuya’. This has the same meaning, but sounds more like an appropriate name or identifier.

As you can see, the blog has this new name already.  The blog URL will be updated to reflect this on November 14th.  At that point, you’ll need to switch your RSS feeds and bookmarks to point to